Member states collectively oppose the unilateral build-up of global missile defense systems
The leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states convened in Astana, Kazakhstan for the Council of Heads of State (CHS) Meeting, or the SCO Summit, on July 4, 2024. The meeting culminated in the adoption of the Astana Declaration, a comprehensive document outlining the member states' collective vision and strategic direction in response to the current geopolitical landscape.

The declaration underscores the significant shifts occurring in global politics, economics, and international relations. It recognises the emergence of a more just and multipolar world order, which presents new opportunities for states to develop and engage in mutually beneficial cooperation. However, it also highlights the concurrent increase in the use of force, violations of international law, geopolitical conflicts, and rising instability both globally and within the SCO region.

Considering these dynamics, the SCO member states affirmed the necessity to enhance the organization's role in promoting global peace, security, and stability. The declaration introduces the SCO Initiative "On World Unity for a Just Peace, Harmony and Development," inviting the global community to join efforts in building a democratic, fair, political, and economic international order.

Key to this vision is the respect for the sovereignty and independence of states, the principles of territorial integrity, equality, mutual benefit, non-interference in internal affairs, and the peaceful resolution of disputes through dialogue. The member states reiterated their commitment to these principles as the foundation for sustainable international relations.

The declaration also addresses the need for comprehensive reforms within the United Nations to improve its credibility and effectiveness, particularly by enhancing the representation of developing countries. The SCO member states advocate for the development of new types of international relations based on mutual respect, justice, and equality, as well as the creation of a common destiny for humanity encapsulated in the idea "One Earth. One Family. One Future."

A significant aspect of the declaration is the emphasis on non-confrontational approaches to solving international and regional problems. The member states collectively oppose the unilateral build-up of global missile defense systems and any attempts to secure one's own safety at the expense of others. They also stress the importance of maintaining a collaborative spirit in addressing traditional and new security challenges, such as terrorism, separatism, extremism, and organized crime.

The declaration reaffirms the SCO's stance against any form of terrorism, separatism, and extremism. It condemns the use of terrorist groups for political ends and stresses the inadmissibility of harboring terrorists. The member states call for a unified global response to terrorism, including the adoption of a Comprehensive Convention for the Suppression of International Terrorism within the UN framework.

Additionally, the declaration touches upon various socio-economic and humanitarian aspects. It emphasizes the importance of cooperation in fields such as trade, investment, finance, and cultural exchanges. The member states express their commitment to developing a peaceful, prosperous, and environmentally friendly planet. They acknowledge Central Asia as the core of the SCO and support efforts to ensure regional peace, security, and stability.

The Astana Declaration also highlights the SCO's role in fostering economic cooperation and sustainable development. The member states commit to advancing projects that promote connectivity, such as the Belt and Road Initiative, and stress the importance of an open, fair, and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system. They oppose protectionist actions and unilateral sanctions that undermine global trade and sustainable development.

Furthermore, the declaration emphasizes the need for cooperation in digital economy, agriculture, food security, and e-commerce. It calls for the development of digital technologies, innovation, and financial inclusion. The member states also focus on enhancing cooperation in education, science, technology, and healthcare, advocating for the responsible use of artificial intelligence and other technological advancements.

In the realm of environmental protection, the declaration recognizes the importance of addressing climate change, managing natural resources sustainably, and mitigating the effects of environmental degradation. It calls for joint efforts to combat pollution, manage waste effectively, and ensure access to clean drinking water and sanitation.

The Astana Declaration represents a strategic roadmap for the SCO, aimed at enhancing its role as a major player in the international system. It outlines a vision for a multipolar world where cooperation, mutual respect, and shared prosperity are paramount. As the chairmanship of the SCO transitions to China for the upcoming period, the declaration sets the stage for continued progress and cooperation among member states, reinforcing the SCO's commitment to regional and global stability, security, and development.